Post by jeronimoe on Sept 27, 2020 15:06:21 GMT 1
Let's face the truth. We all loved Vader. He was one of the best big man we have ever seen in the business. But Vince Mcmahon didn't do right works with him. Vader was far less dominant in WWF. probably because he was not Mcmahon's creation. He supposed to be a huge monster that WWF top leading stars should overcome. But he lost to almost all of WWF main eventers and only proved that WWF is superior than others. Considering how amazing his works in AJPW later, I believe Vader should have been utilized better. Do you people have any better ideas about utilizing Vader in WWF? Let me know your awesome ideas.
Post by Mike Haggar on Sept 27, 2020 19:44:12 GMT 1
As the unstoppable monster that he is. He should have won the world title and had a long undefeated streak.
Post by Asaemon on Oct 9, 2020 16:30:43 GMT 1
As the unstoppable monster that he is. He should have won the world title and had a long undefeated streak. I totally agree! He should have went on a Roadkill Tour in WWF.
Post by ted1971 on Oct 15, 2020 3:53:29 GMT 1
Squashes everyone in sight for a year, before someone steps up to take him down.
Post by Johnal881 on Feb 8, 2021 8:06:28 GMT 1
As the unstoppable monster that he is. He should have won the world title and had a long undefeated streak. Won the title as a monster heel against Shawn Michaels by mid 1996. Squash matches, A long feud with Sycho Sid (masters of powerbomb) and gaining heat beating Bret Hart, retaining obviously. Finally losing the title to The Undertaker in WM XIII.
Post by Johnal881 on Feb 9, 2021 7:57:56 GMT 1
I do not know but at any moment should have an intense and bloody feud with Mankind. Like in WCW as Cactus Jack. But these time more obscure, maybe a Hell in a Cell.
Post by JoeyOhCanada on Feb 11, 2021 17:18:10 GMT 1
Definitely would have had a massive undefeated streak kind of like Goldberg, defeating everyone in sight and winning the WWF title. Someone (Stone Cold, Undertaker, Kane?) would have eventually stepped up to unseat him and end the streak
Post by darbicus on Feb 24, 2021 2:35:53 GMT 1
There were external forces working against Vader in the WWF, some of them bad timing (he was taken off TV right after his debut to have shoulder surgery that he had put off so he could work the Rumble) and some of them self-inflicted (inability to lose weight and the Kuwait stuff). That being said, he basically should have had the spot Sid had in late 1996 through 1997, winning the title a couple of times and feuding with Shawn Michaels. I frankly would have held off on the HBK/Vader feud until Survivor Series for that reason, rather than muddying the waters with a non-finish/Michaels win at Summerslam (have Michaels feud with, say, Goldust going into Summerslam. Or Mankind. Or save the Bulldog stuff for that PPV.) I have other specific ideas I'll be using in a massive WWE rebooking project, but from the OTL that's the basic run he should have had, at the very least.
Post by iamaperson2000 on Jul 2, 2022 3:39:13 GMT 1
1) Have him take Psycho Sid's place at SSeries 1996, and beat HBK for the WWF Title no matter the cost.
2) He stays the WWF Champion until SSeries 1997, where HBK has to do "The Montreal Screw Job" just to get the WWF Belt off of him.
3) Instead of Bret vs HBK, its HBK vs Vader with the "Screw Job" finish with Vader fighting HBK for the WWF Gold the next month.
4) Have HBK retain butttttt only because of a debuting Kane being "Possessed" by Paul Bearer/The Undertaker.
5) Vader vs Kane is the next feud that is built up going into WM 14.
6) Austin and HBK still happens at WM 14,same result.
7) Vader beats Kane at WM 14 thanks to a double cross by Bearer/Under Taker leading to a partnership/Ministry of Darkness with Under Taker/Vader/Paul Bearer and if I can pull it off Sting.
8) Kane turns into the tweener persona he was irl, takes out everyone until he can get match with Vader.
9) Austin drops the WWF Strap to Vader at KOR 1998 ala Kane accept its Vader to make him a 2 time champion.
10) Vader stays WWF Champion until Survivor Series 1998 where the Tournament is used to get that "damn WWF Championship off of that big bastard" .
11) Vader goes to the finals where he loses the WWF Strap to The Undertaker in Ministry form.
12) Once Again another double cross and this time its Vader.
13) SCSA, Vader, and Kane are all now gunning for WWF Champion Undertaker going into 1999.
14) Vader and SCSA co win the 1999 Royal Rumble thanks to The Ministry of Darkness/WWF Champion Undertaker.
15)Undertaker retains against Kane, The Rock, Shane Mcmahon and HHH during this period going into WM 15.
16) ST Valentine's day Massacre is SCSA vs Vader inside the steel cage to determine whom fights Undertaker at WM 15, SCSA wins thanks to "The Big Show Paul Wight" ala IRL.
17) Vader targets "The Big Show" leading to WM 15 Vader vs "The Big Show".
18) SCSA dethrones The Undertaker at WM 15, Vader bulldozes "The Big Show" with weapons and lifting thus "The Big Show" snaps and says "F The Corporation and MOD".
19) SCSA stays WWF Champion until SSlam 1999, where HHH pins Undertaker/Austin to become WWF Champion.
20) HHH cheats to retain against Vader the next night on RAW Is War.
21) Vader vanishes until SSeries 1999 where he runs down SCSA and "Ends his career for good".
22) The Rock having enough of being overshadowed the past two years, injects himself into the SS 1999 match where HHH retains barely.
23) The Rock and Vader have a back and forth ala Big Show and Rock.
24) The Rock wins 2000 RR Eliminating Vader ala Big Show 2000 IRL accept Vader's feet touch the ground barely.
25) Vader goes into WM 2000 fighting HHH, The Rock and Big Show whom uses "Linda Mcmahon".
26) The Rock wins the WWF Gold at WM 2000 pinning HHH.
27) Rock beats HHH next night thanks to Vader???
28) Vader and The Rock go back and forth over the World Wrestling Federation Championship until Summer Slam 2000 where they have the blow off where...
29) SCSA returns, annihilates Vader and The Rock, then throws Rock's arm on top of Vader 1 2 3 . Rock beats Vader for the WWF Title.
30) SCSA has returned as a even worse version of 1996-1997 heel version where he declares "Leon is a dead SOB".
31) Vader says "SCSA never should have been broken in".
32) Survivor Series 2000, SCSA murders Vader with everything at his disposal and "Vader is gone from the WWF and Professional Wrestling".
33) SCSA goes on a tear the next four months, winning the 2001 RR, annihilating Linda, Stephanie, Shane and Vince Mc Mahon.
34) The Rock stays WWF Champ until the night after WM 17.
35) Vader costs SCSA the WWF Championship at WM 17, Rock retains the WWF Championship.
36) Vader beats the snot of SCSA post match to close the show...
37) Next Night on RAW Is War, Vader murders The Rock in a steel cage match ala Mc Mahons to win Rock's WWF Gold from him.
38) SCSA will return and chase the WWF Gold off of Vader, The Rock as well later on..
That's How I would have booked Vader in the World Wrestling Federation.
Post by Asaemon on Jul 3, 2022 12:43:20 GMT 1
The run he deserved