Highlighted TEW2020 Scenarios

Asaemon's AmP Graphics

Asaemon's AmP Graphics [High Quality JPGs] by Asaemon

Asaemon's AmP
The game changer for all 1980 - 2002 scenarios!

(for use with the 1993, 1994 and 2002 mods)

Banners 190+
Worker 18000+
Broadcasters 1200+
Events 1200+
Logos 1000+
Random 400+
TV 380+

The AmP Graphics are the best looking graphics available and the obvious choice for all 80s and 90s mods. Over 7800 enhanced worker pictures.

For use with TEW2020, TEW2016, TEW2013, Pro Wrestling Sim and Pro Wrestling Promoter.

1991 - Peaking Tides

1991 - Peaking Tides by Be the Booker

1991 - Peaking Tides by Lukin Ledbetter

BetheBooker Exclusive Download

Login Required to download the mod

1994 - The Birth Of Extreme

[TEW2020]The Birth of Extreme[BETA] by rexpolaroyd

The Birth of Extreme

The Birth Of Extreme is set in september 1994 The day after Shane Douglas threw down the NWA World Title and declared EASTERN CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING to be EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP Wrestling

Asaemon For letting me use his amazing choose your direction database from TEW2016 as the base and his Amazing AMP graphics
janS for his venues 
Burning Hamster for some of the later companies
THEWHO87 and Cpt.Charisma for there modern companies and some of the modern workers
Fleisch for his events

Only on BetheBooker.Net

Be the Booker exclusive TEW2020 scenario

1996 - Wrestling At War

Wrestling at War - What If? by ogpistolpete
This is 1996.

Vince McMahon is in prison.

His release date? The year 2000.

Until then, wrestling is at war.

Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels are looking like the hottest stars in town, leading Hollywood Championship Wrestling to a meteoric rise in the wrestling industry.

On their coattails, Bret Hart and the World Star Wrestling crew along with The Undertaker and his new dark beginning in the National Wrestling Alliance.

The dark horse? Shane McMahon and Paul Heyman’s new cutting-edge product of the World Wrestling Federation climbing from ruins.

With four years left until Vince is out of prison and, presumably, regains control of the WWF, can anybody stop the new powerhouse in HCW from taking over the industry?

Wrestling At War is a TEW2020 mod that begins in January, 1996. The world of wrestling is very different from what it became. Hulk Hogan remained with the AWA through its formation of World Star Wrestling. Instead of “Hulkamania”, this world experienced “Macho Madness” that swept the nation. Vince McMahon built the WWF on the shoulders of his superstar, Randy Savage, while Jim Crockett and the rest of the southern NWA stronghold responded by centralizing earlier on in the 1980’s.To the north, Verne Gagne’s AWA and Stu Hart’s Calgary territory joined forces to plant their stamp in Chicago, IL and the surrounding Great Lakes region as the predominant wrestling promotion known as World Star Wrestling. And the remaining combatants of the old Memphis and Mid-South found refuge, and potential coup, with the United States Wrestling Association. The industry changed forever in 1993, when Vince McMahon was convicted in his steroid trail of 1993, and would face an objectively horrible sentence. To serve time for the next seven-years, the WWF would crumble in the wake of fallout. Not only that, but 23-year old Shane McMahon was now in charge, and soon found controversy when he screwed frontman Shawn Michaels out of the WWF Championship while Michaels was on his way out from the WWF to join the upstart HCW in what has become known as “The Baltimore Screwjob”. In 1994, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Sean Waltman formed the foundation of Hollywood Championship Wrestling, the new primetime promotion owned by FOX, live on FOX, every Monday Night. McMahon and the WWF have found shelter with MTV, and have perhaps found a savior in a man named Paul Heyman and his new “attitude era”.

Author’s Note: I am very excited to release this new version of my Wrestling at War mod! This mod was originally released in 2013 on EWR and has since evolved into this latest release in 2022! Hard to believe this alternate reality is almost ten years old but I am so glad it has lasted this long and continues to receive attention from time to time. This release is without a doubt the most full-fledged version with enough to sink your teeth into for long saves. There is still room to grow as well, and I may continue releasing minor adjustments of this data as I continue to improve and tweak.

Wrestling At War, Beta Version 1.3
Data Download
Picture Pack Download

What's New?

    2001 - Here Comes The Money

    TEW 2020 - Here Comes The Money 2001 Release by Mr. Canada

    Here Comes The Money - 2001


    It's May 2001, and a McMahon has purchased WCW. Shane McMahon! This mod was made to try and best simulate the most realistic, but still fantasy scenario of a "What if..." for WCW in 2001.

    Shane McMahon now owns WCW. But there is no fantasy-based familial strife between Vince & Shane. Shane simply wanted the opportunity to build his own legacy and has purchased WCW with his father's blessing to help achieve it. The other catch is the WCW that Shane acquires is very much based on the Invasion angle and what wrestlers were in it, so its a very thin star-lacking roster. The mod is built and intended for you to play as Shane himself and do whatever you think Shane could or would have done to make WCW successful again.

    The data is meant to be as realistic as possible. WCW exists, but only the stars that WWF had available are there. So no Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, Nash, Steiner, Jarrett and many other big names. Booker T, DDP & Bagwell are your big names. Lance Storm, Kanyon, Hugh Morrus, Mike Awesome & Shawn Stasiak are really your core behind them. Who is availible on the free agent market? There's a lot of up-and-coming indy stars who are not quite ready. Scott Hall is in Japan, but brings baggage. A few other WCW and WWF guys like BG James, Glenn Gilbertti, Konnan, The Road Warriors, Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, La Parka & Crowbar, are available. And there's some ECW refugees left in Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Steve Corino and the no-brainer Rob Van Dam. Or maybe you'll find that diamond in the rough.

    Maybe you disagree with some choices. Using the basic principle of the realistic handcuffs WWF had, I can assure you most of my choices are right. However, I do agree someone like Jeff Jarrett would have accepted a buyout to keep working, but his heat with the McMahon family prevents it in this scenario. But feel free to use the editor yourself. The other big one is Rey Mysterio Jr. He was actually going to take a contract buy out as well, but Jim Ross convinced him to sit out the contract and heal up, and WWF would come knocking at a much better time for him. Jim Ross was right. But he's another guy who would in a realistic scenario maybe be with the new WCW right away.

    Active Companies (37):

    USA (19):  All Pro Wrestling - Combat Zone Wrestling - Heartland Wrestling Association - International Wrestling Association - IPW Hardcore Wrestling - IWA Mid-South - Jersey All Pro Wrestling - Memphis Championship Wrestling - NWA Florida - NWA Wildside - Ohio Valley Wrestling - Steel Domain Wrestling - Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling - Ultimate Pro Wrestling - USA Pro Wrestling - World Championship Wrestling - World Wrestling Council - World Wrestling Federation - Xtreme Pro Wrestling

    Canada (3): Border City Wrestling - Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling - Stampede Wrestling

    Mexico (3): AAA - Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre - Toryumon Mexico

    British Isles (1): Frontier Wrestling Alliance

    Japan (11): All Japan Pro Wrestling - All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling - Big Japan Pro Wrestling - Dramatic Dream Team - Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling - Michinoku Pro Wrestling - New Japan Pro-Wrestling - Osaka Pro Wrestling - Pro Wrestling NOAH - Pro Wrestling ZERO-ONE - Toryumon Japan

    To Open Companies (25): Blood, Sweat & Ears - Canadian Professional Wrestling - CHIKARA Pro - Deathproof Fight Club - Deep South Wrestling - Dragon Gate Pro-Wrestling - Fighting Of World Japan Pro-Wrestling - Full Impact Pro - IMPACT Wrestling - IPW United Kingdom - IWA East Coast - Major League Wrestling - NWA Europe Pro-Wrestling - Pro Wrestling Alliance - Pro Wrestling Guerrilla - Pro Wrestling IRON - Pro Wrestling WORLD-1 - Pro-Pain Pro Wrestling - Revolution Pro Wrestling - Ring Of Honor - Sendai Girls Pro-Wrestling - SHIMMER Women Athletes - World Wrestling All-Stars - Wrestle-1 - Wrestling Marvelous Future

    Active Workers: 1245

    To Debut Workers: 121

    This can be considered the official release of HCTM. While the data will NEVER be complete, there will always be things to add or modify, I'd hate to simply sit on it forever. I will likely shortly also release 2-other quick edits of the data. 1 will be a "Real World" mod. Which is effectively just the mod as it is, but made "real" by having WCW bought out by WWF and all the appropriate changes. The second will be a version of the data I usually play. As much as I like realism, there are certain "fast forwards" as I call them I find make datas around this time more enjoyable although obviously less realistic. Major examples are Keiji Muto taking over AJPW early with Kojima & Kashin following, the other is MCW being shut down and HWA already being a dev-territory for WWF, but there are other more subtle changes.

    HCTM 1.1 Data

    HCTM 1.1 Fast Forward

    This data has some minor changes that "fast forward" certain real life events, that I find sometimes makes the data more enjoyable. Notable examples: MCW is already closed and HWA is a developmental territory for WWF. Keiji Muto has taken over AJPW and Kojima/Kashin have joined him. And a smattering of other small things. This is the data I actually prefer playing and I am not looking for any input on what I have or havent "fast forwarded." But please feel free to point out obvious errors or overall corrections if you play this instead of the base data

    Here Comes The Money Graphics

    Also, same rules apply to my data(s) that always do. Please for the love of god, use them as a base to modify your own data and release it. More brains, more people, more data for all is a good thing. My only rule is if you do use my data to make your own thing and release it, let people modify it and release their own version of your data. Share-train.

    If you disagree with my data. Fantastic. See the note above. While I do appreciate constructive criticism, dont think I will change stuff to suit your wants/desires/opinions. Ultimately this data is my wants/desires/opinions. This is why I emphasize the above point so much. We all have access to the same editor and same internet for research, if you dont like mods, you can improve them!

    Want to help? I could ALWAYS use help with graphics. I am useless with them. I dont understand how the gif graphics work, I dont know any of that stuff. If you think you can help make better graphics or worker pictures please make me some! I only ask for worker pictures that the pictures be as accurate to the year/age as possible. I'd rather have blurry pictures that are correct for the year/age then pristine pictures that are 3-5-10 years in the future from the actual year it should be.

    2003 - Real World

    (RELEASE) Real World 2003 for 2020 by basmat01
    Real world 2003 for 2020

    Start date:
    January 2003


    Game areas active:
    USA, Canada and UK

    This (poorly edited) data was released at the end of TEW13, it was then updated for personal use for 2016. The user CM_Punk21 released his own version of the data for 2016. This data does not use any of CM_Punk21 upgrades.

    I have been working of the data since the release of TEW20, this is not a quick convert edit a few things with WWE and release. I have gone though every worker in the database, every worker has a home base and most workers will have attributes. The data is not perfect and most likely never will be and you may find mistakes or things that are not correct PLEASE let me know!!, I welcome all feedback good or bad I won't be butt hurt if you don't like the mod just tell me why you don't.

    Please Note:
    The data is unbalanced
    Some of your favourite workers may be missing
    Some pictures are missing
    Some rosters maybe lacking
    Some changes have been made to better simulate the data in TEW

    All feedback is welcome. Keep an eye out for updates.



    Hope you enjoy

    100% freeware

    2013 - The YES Mod

    [RELEASE] The YES Mod - May 2013 1.0 Release by Bigpapa42

    The YES! Mod - May 2013

    Picture Pack

    There is still some stuff left undone but honestly, its the kind of detail that few people will notice and certainly nothing that should impact a save game. Enjoy!

    2014 - ECW Revival

    [BETA] ECW Revival Alt Real World - April 2014 by Max Marvelous
    Hello Everyone! As you read from the title this is an alt-timeline mod where ECW was revived in 2014 after the Launch of the WWE Network along with all the original ECW content and footage spanning from 1993-2001.

    Firstly this wouldn’t be possible without two people who I need to Thank. slicknick and LukkeArthur as Nick gave me the inspiration and idea for this mod to do after seeing my “ECW | IT LIVES IT BREATHES Passion Project video. He was there as a consultant for a lot of the ideas I had and gave me some suggestions on guys that should be signed for the initial ECW Revival Roster. LukkeArthur’s 2014 Mod “The Miracle on Bourbon Street” is used as the base mod with permission from Lukke to use his mod as a base for this alt timeline. This simply wouldn’t have been able to be done without these two men.

    As of right now, the hardest part is going to be the picture pack. I’m wanting to do a gif style pack but might need to use the traditional style picture pack as a placeholder.

    Beta version 0.1

    Real World Updates by TheWho87

    TEW2020 Real World Updates by TheWho87 by TheWho87

    Click logo for my Discord

    Database: August 2022
    Graphics: July 2022
    Workers: January 2022 (Last KyKy Pack)
    Worker Expansion: June 2020
    Loading Screens: Download
    Worker Expansion contains pictures of wrestlers holding titles, along with non wrestlers cut on the same background used for workers.
    Graphic Templates: Download
    Contains PSD's for all types of backgrounds, along with PNG's of all images including backgrounds and borders.

    Previous Real World Updates
    - June 2020
    - July 2020
    - August 2020
    - September 2020
    - October 2020
    - November 2020
    - December 2020

    - January 2021
    - February 2021
    - March 2021
    - April 2021 (Pre WrestleMania)
    - April 2021 (Post WrestleMania)
    - May 2021
    - June 2021
    - July 2021
    - August 2021
    - September 2021
    - October 2021
    - November 2021
    - December 2021

    - January 2022
    - February 2022
    - March 2022
    - April 2022
    - May 2022
    - June 2022
    - July 2022
    - August 2022

    Download the latest TEW2020 Mods

    TEW2020 Download Index

    TEW2020 Download Index by Asaemon
    TEW2020 Download Index

    Download Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 Real World Mods and Scenarios. The TEW Download Index List for TEW2020 is a hub for all the mods meaning you don't have to search to find a mod/scenario.

    All mod's listed in this thread are the property of their creators. Should you wish to use one of them as a base for a mod that you plan to release for public use, please contact them and ask for permission.

    Download Links not working? Disable Ad-Block Software to Download!


    Right click download link and select open in a new browser window!


    Copy the download link and paste into a new browser window!

    Historic Real World Mods and Scenarios

    Starting Year
    Starting MonthNameModmakerGraphics

    A New Trust
    Graphics Skin

    JulyThe Dawn of the Territories

    Territory DazeMammothGraphics

    Death of the Territories

    Risky BusinessJaysin

    Wrestling Timeline 1986

    Peaking TidesLukin LedbetterAmP
    Requires permission
    Be the Booker exclusive mod
    Chronicles 1992


    The Birth of Extreme
    Requires permission
    Be the Booker exclusive mod
    The Monday Night Wars

    Hostile Takeover

    Open Season
    Graphics Graphics 2

    Domino Effects

    Graphics Graphics 2Freeware / Abandonware

    May 2001
    Mr. Canada


    Lethal Dose of Poison


    Ruthless AggressionMrVillain & SuperSaiyanMutant

    The Reign Of Terror

    Shifting SandsMammoth

    2008FebruaryFearlessLukke ArthurGraphics Graphics 2


    The Game Changes Nowsteesh07Graphics Graphics 2

    The Summer of Punk

    The Pipebomb Mod

    The Yes! ModBigPapa

    The Miracle on Bourbon StreetLukke Arthur

    RWC Redux
    Work in Progress
    The Elite Opportunity
    Jordan Jaxson

    Freeware = Free to use for creating your own mods/scenarios as long as you give credit to the original modmaker.

    Picture Packs

    mSp – For use with 1980, 1985, 1987, 1997, 1998, 2001 mods

    nGo – For use with 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995 mods (via GDS)

    DoA – Picture Pack for 1996 Dawn of Attitude mod

    SAMPP – Super Awesome Modern Picture Pack, a general picture pack you can use with any mod.

    Real World Alternative History Mods and Scenarios

    Starting Year
    Starting MonthNameModmakerGraphics
    Death of a Tradition
    Work in Progress
    Wrestling at War

    Here Comes the Money
    Mr. Canada
    WCW Good Night & Goodbye???

    Flashpoint 2002
    ECW Revival
    Max Marvelous

    TNA Resurgent

    Requires permission

    Flashpoint 2020


    Freeware = Free to use for creating your own mods/scenarios as long as you give credit to the original modmaker.

    Fantasy Real World Mods and Scenarios

    Starting Year
    Starting MonthNameModmaker
    2010JanuaryWar of the Immortals V1.7 Detail Version
    2010JanuaryWar of the Immortals V1.7 Performance VersionjanSGraphics

    Freeware = Free to use for creating your own mods/scenarios as long as you give credit to the original modmaker.

    Uncategorized Mods and AddOns


    Asaemon's Narratives
    Requires permission

    Asaemon's Venue Database

    Requires permission
    Be the Booker exclusive mod
    Broadcaster Database

    Taker's 1970's Narratives

    Taker's 1980's Narratives

    Taker's 1990's Narratives

    Taker's 2000's Narratives

    Freeware = Free to use for creating your own mods/scenarios as long as you give credit to the original modmaker.



    Alternate Belt Pictures
    Alternative belt pictures

    AmP Graphics
    AmP is the graphics designed for the 1993, 1994 and 2002 mods

    Be the Booker exclusive mod
    Collaborate Cutout Collection Png´s
    Collaborate Cutout Collection is a collection of png´s, that mod makers can use for their picture sets.

    For use with TheWho87's mods

    Graphics Templates
    Contains PSD's for all types of backgrounds, along with PNG's of all images including backgrounds and borders.

    Max's Loading Screens
    Max Marvelous
    Over 300 Loading Screens!

    Max's Loading Expansion
    Max Marvelous
    An expansion pack for the Loading Screens above

    mSp Graphics Pack

    nGo Graphics Pack

    nGo compatible graphics

    Rune's Cuts
    nGo compatible graphics

    Taker's CutTakernGo compatible graphics

    TEW 2020 Skin Creator's Resource Pack
    Create your own TEW2020 skins

    TheWho87's Old Graphics Pack Purge

    Ultimate Event Logos & Posters Pic PackJoMo
    Pack containing nGo posters and logos for events between 2000 to present day.

    Can be used for creating your own mods/scenarios as long as you give credit to the original modmaker.

    #TotalExtremeWrestling #TEW2020 #TotalExtremeWrestling2020

    TheWho87's Old Graphics Pack Purge

    TheWho87's Old Graphics Pack Purge by TheWho87

    I've been doing updates for many years and I don't tend to delete stuff and it's starting to build up, so I'm planning on purging my older graphics packs, mostly packs before 2022, so this is going to be a last chance to download for everything listed here.

    I'm going to be deleting these during April after WrestleMania, so this should give an opportunity to download anything you want before it gets deleted.

    Not everything will go, and I am going to put together a legacy graphics pack, which will include the last KyKy pack and the last release of the grey belts, putting the most important into one download of all my old content, but there will be some stuff that will be lost.


    KyKy Workers
    All of these packs contain KyKy cuts, and all would include people who were in my mods at the time.

    KyKy Worker Updates
    This contains cuts that may not have made it into the final worker packs, but a lot of them were also included in the main packs.

    Graphics Packs
    This is a bit more generic, this is the logos and belts, 95% of these should be covered in my current graphics in some way or form, the only difference is these would have my old grey belt cuts, but I'll be preserving the last release of those.

    Rune's Cuts

    Rune's Cuts by Rune
    Rune's Cuts -

    Designed to be used as an addition to the nGo picture pack, featuring a collection of workers from no specific era. This is a living pack, and will likely be updated every couple hundred cuts I make. Features a lot of variety from basically whatever wrestling I'm on a kick for at the time, from Jim Crockett Promotions, to 2008 TNA, to early 2000s New Japan. Guaranteed to have something you can use!

    6,666 Workers (.JPG, .GIF, and .GIF Borderless)

    178 Logos

    155 nGIFo-style Logos

    120 Events

    59 (Real-World and Custom) Titles

    30 TV shows

    and 1 broadcaster.

    Jomo's Ultimate Event Logos & Posters

    Jomo's Ultimate Event Logos & Posters Pic Pack by jomo

    Original Pack: 2000 - 2020 finished
    Link: www.mediafire.com/file/iyr2u47p0cwtcf1/JoMo_Pack_2000-2020_Events.rar/file
    Add-on #1 - January 2020
    Link: www.mediafire.com/file/oce2yjwalztpd0z/Add-On_%25231.rar/file
    Add-on #2 - February 2020
    Link: www.mediafire.com/file/sw1swhphe9yqwkn/Add-On_%25232.rar/file

    Original Pack: 1448 pictures (WWF, WWE, NWA, WCW, ROH, ECW, TNA/Impact, AEW, LU
    Add-On #1: 694 pictures (more from all promotions)
    Add-On #2: 926 pictures (more more more)

    In the latest upload Add-On #2 you will find a big Excel-File. In This file you can search for every show and check if a logo or a poster is in one of the packs.
    Have Fun Guys.

    TEW2020 Utilities and Add-Ons

    Will there be another TEW Game or was TEW2020 the last game?

    List of removed Total Extreme Wrestling Scenarios

    List of removed Total Extreme Wrestling Scenarios by Be the Booker
    All mods are the property of their creators. Should you wish to use one of them as a base for a mod that you plan to release for public use, please contact them and ask for permission.

    Don't sell copyrighted material.

    YearModnameReleased by
    Forged In Fire
    Conversion of Alv's The Big Bang scenario without asking permission or giving credit.
    The Golden Era
    Brad D***e
    Converting Genadi's The Golden Era scenario without asking permission. Importing Alv's and Mammoth's data without permission or giving credit. Selling copyrighted materials for profit.
    Clash of the Titans
    Conversion of Hive's Clash of the Titans scenario without asking permission.
    The War Rages On
    Conversion of Burning Hamster's Dawn of Attitude scenario without asking permission or giving credit.
    Domino Effect
    Conversion of Genadi's Montreal Aftermath scenario without asking permission.
    Montreal Aftermath
    Conversion of Genadi's Montreal Aftermath scenario without asking permission or giving credit.
    Bret Screwed Bret
    Conversion of Genadi's Montreal Aftermath scenario without asking permission.
    Hart of War
    Releasing Justtxyank's and Fleisch 1992 Eye of the Storm and 1992 Chronicles mod without giving credit. Importing Asaemon's Venue Database and Genadi's Montreal Aftermath data without asking permission or giving credit. Importing and releasing Questlove's and DevilCyborg's RWC data without giving credit.
    Chronicles 1998
    Brad D***e
    Selling copyrighted materials for profit.
    2001The End of WCW
    sawchuk111Conversion of Mr. Creative's The New Blood scenario without asking permission or giving credit.
    End of War
    sawchuk111Conversion of Genadi's Death of WCW scenario without asking permission or giving credit.

    Asaemon's Venue Database
    Conversion of Asaemon's Venue Database without asking permission or giving credit.

    MDB Admin - Unofficial TEW Editor

    MDB Admin by Be the Booker

    MDB Admin

    MDB Admin allows you to open, visualize and edit MSAccess databases (MDB or ACCDB files) without having Access installed.  A complete tool for creating and managing MSAccess databases.

    • Export tables in differents formats (XML, JSON, CSV, SQL, YAML).
    • Export a MSAccess database as a XLS worksheet.

    Login on the forum to download

    List of Passwords for modding GDS Games MDB files

    List of Passwords for modding GDS Games MDB files by Be the Booker
    List of Passwords for modding GDS Games MDB files

    The passwords needed to open the MDB files with Microsoft Access


    The passwords listed above works for both databases and save game files.

    MDB Viewer Plus - Unofficial TEW Editor

    MDB Viewer Plus by Be the Booker

    MDB Viewer Plus is a freeware viewer plus editor for opening Microsoft Access MDB database files. It does not need to be installed to run. It uses Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) which is installed as part of Windows.

    MDB Viewer Plus has been written to provide a free, quick and easy way to open, view, edit, filter, sort, import to, export from, modify and search MDB files.

    Login on the forum to download

    How to mod TEW2020 using Microsoft Access

    The list of (Unofficial) Total Extreme Wrestling Editors

    The list of (Unofficial) Total Extreme Wrestling Editors by Asaemon
    The list of (Unofficial) Total Extreme Wrestling Editors
    Also known as third party editors.

    Bullzip - Access To MySQL
    Access to MySQL is a small program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MySQL

    Universal Database Tool

    MS Access
    Save game editor and database editor

    MDB Admin
    Open and edit TEW MDB databases

    Marciel Degasperi
    MDB Viewer Plus
    Open and edit TEW MDB databases
    Alex Nolan
    Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 Save Game Editor
    Save game editor and analysis tool
    Mr Creative
    Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 Save Game Editor v2
    Save game editor and database editor
    Mr Creative
    Total Extreme Wrestling 2016 Editor
    Save game editor and database editor
    Mr Creative
    TEW2016 Save Game to Database Converter
    Converts save games into databases
    TEW2016 Editor
    Database editor

    Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 Save Game Editor

    Total Extreme Wrestling 2016 Editor

    TEW2016 Save Game to Database Converter

    Asaemon's Venue Database

    Asaemon's Venue Database by Asaemon

    Asaemon's Venue Database

    Historic wrestling arenas with  preset opening and closing dates and short descriptions. Includes many classic WCW and WWF venues. So now you can finally rebook historic WCW or WWF tours in Europe and use all the classic arenas.

    BetheBooker Exclusive Download

    Login on the Forum REQUIRED to download the mod

    If there are issues with the Mediafire link:
    -Turn of any anti-popup / anti-ad software
    -or right click and select open link in new window
    -Or copy the download link and paste into a new window

    If this mod freeware?


    Can I use the venues in my mod?

    If you ask me for permission.

    Can I use Asaemon's Venue Database in another venue mod?


    Is Asaemon's Venue Database compatible with other venue mods?

    No! That is going to result in duplicates, so I would not recommend it.

    Reply Features You Completely Forgot Were In TEW

    Features You Completely Forgot Were In TEW by Asaemon

    Features You Completely Forgot Were In TEW

    Adam Ryland's Total Extreme Wrestling series has over the years had lots of great features that most of us have forgotten were removed.

    Do you remember all these great features were in Total Extreme Wrestling?

    What are the best WMMA5 features that not are in TEW2020?

    What are the best WMMA5 features that not are in TEW2020? by Asaemon

    What are the best WMMA5 features that not are in TEW2020?

    Adam Ryland's WMMA series have lots of great features that are not included in TEW.

    TEW Ultimate Excel

    TEW Ultimate Excel by jpuk by Asaemon

    TEW Ultimate Excel by jpuk

    AidanLFC's TEW Booking Tracker

    AidanLFC's TEW Booking Tracker - Fully Automated Setup by Asaemon

    AidanLFC's TEW Booking Tracker 2.0 is fully-automated spreadsheet designed to help you organize your roster, shows, and storylines in Total Extreme Wrestling.

    Features include:

    - Full rosters with fully automatic data population, allowing you to keep track of who is on your roster, how good they are, their win-loss records, average match ratings, brands, storylines, titles, next PPV matches, and more. There are also recommendations on who to push, who is next in line to be released, who your top stars are, etc.

    - A fully customizable TV Show and Events Tracker - modified by your own PPV schedule and brands.

    - A storyline and champions tracker - this is also visible on the roster pages for easy reference while booking. - Full rosters with fully automatic data population, allowing you to keep track of who is on your roster, how good they are, their records, average match ratings, brands, storylines, titles, next PPV matches, and more. There are also recommendations on who to push, who is next in line to be released, who your top stars are, etc.

    - Brand-specific pages that take the roster page one step further - utilizing a brand split? All the information featured on the roster page can also be seen here, cut down specifically for the brands that you are using.

    - Almost 100% automated setup. No entering 100's of fields of info. Download your game's database, convert it, copy and paste, you're good to go. All by filling out a few easy fields! You will find a full setup guide inside the link.


    TEW Story Browser

    TEW Story Browser by jjglvz by Be the Booker

    TEW Story Browser by jjglvz

    The TEW Story Browser is a utility written in Liberty Basic for viewing the storylines that were originally made for TEW2010 by Sonfaro and others.

    Although the prewritten storylines feature no longer exists in the game these stories can still be useful in providing inspiration and a series of angles and matches for the player to follow.Infact using them in TEW now really offers the best of both worlds as they no longer have to be followed rigidly as they used to in TEW10, and the whole story doesn't have to be cancelled if a character gets injured or whatever.

    The free version of Liberty Basic is required to run the program.

    >> Download Link <<

    TEW Storyline Collection

    TEW Storyline Collection by Michael Kelly by Be the Booker
    TEW Storyline Collection by Michael Kelly

    Collection of Storylines for use in Total Extreme Wrestling.

    Asaemon's Narratives

    Asaemon's Narratives [TEW2020] by Asaemon

    Asaemon's Narratives

    Version 1.00 is focused on the WCW Magazines. I'm planning of expanding this mod later with plenty of movies and tv series.

    SPRITE Randomize Sidebar / TEWTools

    SPRITE Randomize Sidebar by Asaemon

    SPRITE Randomize Sidebar / TEWTools

    Tool to view data from the game, Total Extreme Wrestling 2020, which is stored in .mdb files.



    TEW 2020 Player’s Handbook

    TEW 2020 Player’s Handbook by AJ Kelly by Be the Booker
    TEW 2020 Player’s Handbook by AJ Kelly

    For use with TEW 2020 by Greydog Software.